Sunday, May 26, 2013

They're cute when they're tiny!

Last week, DB and I got the chance to enjoy some nice weather and a trip to the Boerner Botanical Garden. We missed the tulips last year because of the unusually warm winter and that made me sad. Not this year! And with the help of a Groupon discount, we got to enjoy it at half price. The tulips were in full bloom and some of the irises as well. The one thing I want to go back for is the daylilies and roses. But there's a problem. A giant bumblebee claims the rose garden area as his own and makes it impossible for us to wander around that area. Stupid bee. Reminds me of the honey bees currently hanging around my cauliflower's container. They think they own the place. And I have a fear of bees getting into my hair because I had a bad experience once. A hornet got trapped in my ponytail and stung me when I went to fix it. Needless to say, when there are bees about, I scream like a little girl, flailing my arms as I go running.

The two nice days turned into chances of showers and thunderstorms taking the wind out of our sails for finishing the stain on the fence. To keep ourselves occupied we moved onto a different project: the raised garden bed that we've been talking about for years now. If you recall in a previous post (Hyacinths and breakfast sausage) we pulled up the old, busted driveway to make room for the new garden.

My SFG plan
Pulling together some semblance of a plan we got to work - between thunderstorms. The plan resulted in a raised cedar bed 8' x 4' x 1' along the lines of the one featured on Sunset's website. Using this concept, we wanted to try the square foot gardening (SFG) to get the most bang for our buck. This method, as authored by Mel Bartholomew, provides a practical means to grow an abundance of plants in limited space where the soil might not be the best, to reduce maintenance efforts, and increase yield, among other things. But it needs to keep in mind companion/foe plants considering the amount of space (i.e. carrots do well with lettuce but not celery). Any simple internet search will give you a plethora of results to help determine companion/foe planting for your own garden.

Starting the work on the raised bed
Spread out over a few days we got to work. The frame was easy enough - after we figured that flipping it from one side to the next would be the easiest in order to make sure the boards were level. Taking a concept from the book "I Garden: Urban Style" (2010, p 66), we used a 'lasagna' effect. Newspaper and cardboard on the bottom with garden fabric along the sides then layers of compost, peat moss, and garden soil until we filled up the bed (it took two trips to the hardware store to get all the 'dirt' mainly because we short-changed it the first time around, oops).

Full of dirt and segmented into square feet
After a trip to the local nursery, we picked up some of the transplants, while direct sowed some of the other stuff (i.e. pumpkin, carrot, bean). The nursery offers a great discount for flats of 4-cell veggies. Only needing a half-flat it still gave us extra plants. So we filled up the raised bed and put two each of hot peppers, bell pepper and eggplant in self-watering containers. Because, you know, you can never have enough peppers...but as an added precaution I made little paper bag collars for those plants. If you can recall, I had a problem with cutworms last year. I didn't bother putting the lettuce in the SFG and instead opted to use just a SW-container.

Little, baby veggies! ^_^
To say I'm excited about my vegetable garden is an understatement. I cannot wait until the plants grow and begin to fruit especially since we're trying our hands at 'classics' and new stuff (okra! beans!). Last year's drought worked well enough for my peppers but not for most other things, I'm hoping this year will do a little better. Otherwise, I'll be canning another batch of peppers and salsa, not that I mind but it would be nice to add other things to the pantry/freezer.

Final Thoughts

Most of your veggies and fruit should be outside by now so it should be all about maintenance. Keep the weeds back, stake the peppers and eggplants if needed, and watch out for garden pests - I'm looking at you squirrels. And now is the time to attract honey bees and other pollinators to your garden! Use spring blooming flowers to get their attention so by the time your veggies need them, they're there and ready to roll.

"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get."
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Skeletons in the garden

North side tulips: white, purple & black
What a busy few days! The weather has been playing nice allowing us time to go outside and roll around in the dirt. New flowers and bushes are in their new homes while the existing beds got an update with new mulch. All of the tulips are up and blooming. But it's too bad that the tulips on the south side of the walk up to the house aren't as strong as the ones on the north side. Makes me wonder if our cocker spaniel, Jake and his winter habit of peeing right there, had something to do with it...ponders...

We keep our skeletons outside in the garden
A few days ago on Facebook, I made a post about zombie gnomes and how they'd go well with our skeleton flamingos. A friend commented and I had to take a photo of our skeletons that just chill with the orange tulips and (normally) mums. The flamingos aren't for a Halloween display, instead, we keep them outside year around. Kind of like the wall decals in the house of spiderwebs and spiders.

Doing my part to help
This weekend we also decided on a stain for our cedar fence. If you've been reading the blog then you remember the fence the boy and I built last year. After letting it weather for a bit, we decided to stain it. Using a semi-transparent, oil based stain we chose 'Burnt Hickory.' The picture doesn't do it justice, but the stain gives it a nice old, spooky vibe. We joked that we'd finally get to a project that we started but haven't finished. Now if we can get a ladder long enough to get to the peaks of the house to finish painting that.

On my own today, I decided to entertain myself by pulling dandelions from the yard. Filling two buckets that little side project took me almost two hours. I didn't get them all but I got 99% of them. I really don't like using chemicals on my lawn. Instead, I don't mind the manual labor of using a dandelion digger and bucket doing a quasi-duck waddle. I'm sure it's a hilarious sight for the neighbors, but I like the feeling of accomplishment.

Final Thoughts

Birds are great entertainment, not only for yourself but if you own cats. I know mine like to hang out in the enclosed back porch and watch their version of TV  Try to keep a variety of feeders and water/bath dishes throughout your yard. Most birds are territorial and don't like sharing, while different feeders accommodate the different feeding requirements of larger vs. smaller birds. And while you surely don't have to feed them everyday try to keep to a routine. Right now we have mourning doves, cardinals, golden finches, chickadees, house sparrows, and black birds that frequent our yard, sometimes we even get a blue jay. We're still holding out for hummingbirds and keep trying year after year.

Zone 5: Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants should be already hardened to the outside temperature, but make sure to keep on eye on the small plants. Keep sowing lettuce, carrot, and sweet corn for a rotation of harvest times.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hyacinth and Breakfast Sausages

Who you callin' pansy?
What a week it has been already!  The local stores and garden centers are in full bloom with the various trees, shrubs, and plants on display.  Have you hit up your local garden center to check out the latest variety of fruit or vegetable this year?  I'm a little sad that the only place that I can get the black petunias at is a small drive away.  Even then, they're not the 'Black Cat' variety but 'Phantom' (yellow/black) or 'Pinstripe' (pink/black) since most are making way for this year's varietal of 'Blackberry Hybrid.' That's all well, but I want my black petunias!  Maybe there will be something at this years plant sale.

The nice void
Hey look! I made a mountain!
I'm looking forward to spring since we're working on expanding the vegetable gardens.  Container gardening is nice, but since we have the room we're going to try our hand at raised beds.  It's just a matter of clearing out the old driveway to make room for said beds.  So what did we do this weekend?  Took a sledgehammer to the old concrete.  We didn't get all of it out, but a good 8ft section.  It made a nice mountain in front of the fence.  There's a local place that accepts old concrete so it's just a matter of hauling it away.

While visiting the local centers this year, we found a new flower that we're in love with: hyacinth. The blooms have a sweet aroma with delicate looking flowers in a variety of colors.  Of course, I got a few.  Two purple, grape hyacinth and two pink.  In my zone they're perennials but above zone 8 they have a tendency to become annuals.  Arriving at the same time as daffodils and tulips, these bulbs can add a nice accent to the larger flowers.

Ms. Mouse's Thoughts on Food

I have made vegan breakfast sausage.  There, I said it, I am awesome.  Go ahead and ponder this thought for a little bit.  Now you may ask how I accomplished this wonderful feat of culinary genius?  Trial, error, and taking apart several other recipes to create a hybrid. Ready to try your own hand at these nummy little patties?  Then read on!

the work in progress
McSmee Early Risers - 12 patties

oil, for cooking
1/4c onion, sauteed
1c black beans, rinsed/drained
3/4c oatmeal
2tb flour
1/4-1/2ts fennel seed
1ts sage
1/4ts salt
1/4ts onion powder
1/4ts garlic powder
They look like sausages!!!
1/4ts cumin
dash cayenne
1ts maple syrup
+/- 1/4c water


1) Chop & saute onion
2) Place all ingredients in a food processor until smooth
3) Use a melon baller or something similar to plop mixture into the skillet on med/med-lo heat (stove temps vary)
4) Let brown on each side (cooking roughly 3-4 minutes) and gently flip, repeat

As I said in an earlier post, recipes are like guidelines - unless of course it's a baking recipe then try to stick with that unless you can without uncertainty fiddle with the ingredients/ratio that most baking requires.  After testing these sausages out, I found the 1/2ts fennel seed to be a little much for my taste even with processing it into microscopic bits.  The maple syrup gives it a nice sweetness that can compliment any breakfast entree.  The next thing I need to figure out is how to do omelets without egg...that way I can make my own damn breakfast sammies.

Final Thoughts

Got your garden all planned out? Great you're one step ahead of me. If not, it's okay, it's not too late to get some idea of what you're planting this year, but don't wait too much longer! Soon the major planting time will have long gone and it will be time to focus on keeping those little buggers alive and producing!

Zone 5: pinch back strawberry blossoms, sow bush/pole beans, and start installing collars to protect seedlings from cutworms!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hot Tamales, Tulips, and Fresh Wood

Early bloomers
     Technically it's Spring.  Someone please tell that to Mother Nature.  NOAA says it's after the frost dates (don't know your's? check it here) but my little piggies are freezing since I already busted out the flip-flops.  I got one day in the sun before the cold temperatures came back.  But that doesn't mean that things aren't going as planned in the gardens.  There's a bustle of activity in the beds and with the winter cover mainly removed, the plants are getting a fresh start at life.  Already the purple tulips are getting ready to bloom and the grape hyacinth is slowly making it's progress as well.

Not only that but the wood mulch gets a new start at life as well.  If you don't have beds and instead use containers for your gardens, still invest in mulch as it helps with moisture retention, enhances nutrient exchange, and a host of other good stuff!  Don't believe me? Check out this nifty article and this one too!

Laying down new mulch
If you notice in the picture to the left that the bed never had an original layer of mulch. Instead, this bed was prepared last year (2012) and had half a layer of newspaper as a means to control weeds. While it worked, the rest of the bed was left open to invasion. So case in point, put down mulch.  Or be left weeding excessively - something I'll be doing for the next few weeks.

While it's cold outside it's spicy up in this place.  Cinco de Mayo is around the corner and for most that means tacos, burritos, and ice cold Coronas.  In this house, not so much.  During the winter we love Aztec styled hot cocoa.  So why not make a chocolate cake out of it? The cake pan is not five minutes in the oven when the aroma of cayenne pepper wafts throughout the house, bringing with it that oh-so-familiar tingle to the sensory system of - SPICY!  The recipe comes from Real Simple but feel free to experiment - I mean recipes are just guidelines...Instead of water, I used 1c of coffee and a full 1/2ts of cayenne.  Don't be afraid to get fresh with the spices!

Final Thoughts:

If you're in a region like mine where this is the last week of the frost think about your cold crop (i.e. cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, etc).  Don't forget to sow sweet corn, lettuce, carrots, and start setting out transplants before the final transition to outdoor living!  But keep an eye on the weather because you never know if a freak storm will blow your way!  And finally, my baby Wicket ^_^

Wicket's impression of a dead baby seal, pretty good, eh?