After my last post we got a decent blanket of snow (by decent I mean barely an inch), which only lasted until that following morning. A for effort I guess. However, the temperatures did drop quite a bit making me finally pull out the puffy winter jacket. Bundled up like that kid from A Christmas Story, my boyfriend and I ventured out into the world to check out the New Year sales. First stop the local nursery. The place is practically empty. There's glitter from the Christmas decorations everywhere as if an ornament exploded. The shelves only house the leftover stuff that 80% clearance cannot get rid of. While tucked away into a dark corner are the rakes, shovels, fertilizers, everything that speaks of *gasp* SPRING!
But there is some hope...Near one of the registers they had boxes of grow your own mushroom kits as well as mini starter kits for slow growing herbs like parsley, dill and chives. I eyeballed the mushroom kit. My family loves mushrooms. Whenever the 8oz packs are on sale for a $1 I grab an armful. Otherwise, we don't have mushrooms. I'm frugal like that and really don't like spending out of season prices for fruits and veggies. Yet, I didn't get the mushroom kit only because the things in the box are alive and I didn't want to risk killing the poor things since we had more errands to run. 9 degree weather can't be good for them...Maybe next weekend.
What I did order this week were....*drum roll please*...citrus plants. You're probably thinking but you live in zone 5 you crazy lady, do you know how cold it gets? Why yes I do, thank you. But here's the genius: they're potted and they were only $9 a pop through Michigan Bulb. So I ordered orange, lime and lemon as well as a few Sweet William and petunia plants just to bump my order up to $40 to qualify for the order $40 spend $20 deal. Last year, I made the goal to get mini citrus trees and this year I'm following through. I'm looking forward to this little experiment. Our summers are toasty and humid so the trees can hang out in the backyard while soaking up the rays. In the wintertime, we have plant lights taking over the dining room so they should be fine in the house. Needless to say I'm excited.
That's all I have for the Wednesday's post, stay tuned for Sunday!
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