Monday, July 9, 2012

These are homework breaks

Wow, what a busy day!  If some of you don't know, I'm currently enrolled in four graduate classes that are on 8-week schedules.  Now, two classes is considered full time.  Imagine what four can do to a person's free-time.  But even though my schedule is full of textbook readings, forum discussions, essays, and literature reviews, oh and that Open Source Intelligence (OSINT or my Oh S***) project, I'm still finding time to get to the gardens.  Because, let's face it...I like to play in the dirt.

Trellised cantaloupe
Lil' baby cucumber

For this weekend's mini-projects, I managed to trellis the cantaloupe and butternut squash for the time being; however, I still need to get to the pumpkins before they get much bigger.  The squash took a wooden dowel away from the blueberry plant, but that's fine because it's gotten a lot bigger since I bought it this last winter so it doesn't need that dowel for support anymore.  And upon inspecting everything else, I found a little baby cucumber growing.  I'm so excited!

I think it's a nice color
And while I was busy with everything else, the boy got up on the ladder to paint the high spots on the house.  At times, I sat nearby in the shade trying to catch up on class reading.  Other times, I found more projects to occupy myself.  One project that I started a few weeks back was my garden bench (care of Martha Stewart).  I spoke to my friend about it before however needed the extra time to actually put it together.  Finding the time today, I finally finished it.  Go me!  

The garden bench, just needs a coat of paint/stain
Now, the website says to use screws; however, I used tack nails because I used plywood for the side panels.  Also, since we don't have fancy tools, I used a trash can lid (cuz you know, they're round) to make the decorative curve along the bottom. All in all, I say it turned out pretty damn awesome.  I think my grandpa would be thrilled at my new found carpentry skills.

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