Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boo-berries and pumpkins

This year I'm giving seed starting (yet) another chance.  Every year, I try to start my own seedlings for transplant; however, the blasted things never take or just don't like to be transplanted.  This time around I got a heat mat for my eggplant and pepper seeds, something I didn't have when I tried two seasons ago.  I'm going to give the seed experience another go tonight after dinner.  While this is an epic moment it brought about utter chaos.

If I start these seeds then where will they live?  How many should I start?  And the plan I had created back in January went out the window....not just because of thinking about seedlings but because I picked up a few things while out and about over the last few weekends.  Namely blueberry plants and pumpkin seeds....and not to mention the red and blue corn seeds...oh! and more sunflower seeds...can't forget those...

The blueberry plants are now occupying the self-watering containers (SWC) I had planned for the pepper plants and well the pumpkins and corn seeds...they're hanging out for the moment.  That brings me to the present.  I've cut out pictures of all the seeds and plants I'm planning for this year's garden out of an extra Burpee's catalog.  I'm planning on taping them (or somehow arranging them) onto an over-sized piece of paper as an impromptu planning guide.  But then, I'm getting into the dilemma of finding out I might not have enough pots for this year's idea unless I get/make more...what's a girl to do?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Getting rev'd up

Hello there fellow gardeners!  How's the weather holding up in your neck of the woods?  It doesn't know what it wants to do here.  For a good week, the sun was shining and the thermometer read 50 degrees (which for here means flip flop weather, seriously...I saw people wearing flip flops).  However, it caused the ground to warm slightly.  Enough to signal my crocus that its time to bloom.  Now we're getting a nice batch of snow with low temperatures to boot.  The crocus were just starting to break the surface so hopefully they survive.

The cats finally figured out the array of pots filled with their very own grasses to nibble on.  I had to pick up extra eco-friendly pots (they're not plastic but do disintegrate if planted in the ground) for sowing more since the fatty of the bunch decided to eat the whole large pot by himself.  The pots are tiny and are different colors; however, I should've added rocks or weights to the bottom because the cats have a tendency to yank on the whole blade of grass tipping the pot over in the process.

Speaking of herbs aren't growing in their little seedling pots.  The seeds are from last season, for some plants that's not good, but most of these have a longer shelf life.  Who knows?  Maybe I should just pick up another batch of seeds and try again.  It will give me a great excuse to go to the local nursery to check out the preseason seed sales and pick up a heat mat.  I'm planning on trying to start my own eggplant and pepper seeds this year.  Reading the gardening books have told me that they need a heat supply to germinate so I'll give it a go.  If anything, the nursery carries my fav plants come April/May for transplanting so there's always that to fall back on.